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AstaxanthinAstaxanthin (pronounced as-tuh-zan'-thin) is a carotenoid. It belongs to a larger class of phytochemicals known as terpenes. It is classified as a xanthophyll, which means "yellow leaves". Like many carotenoids, it is a colorful, fat/oil-soluble pigment. Astaxanthin can be found in microalgae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp, crayfish, crustaceans, and the feathers of some birds. Professor Basil Weedon was the first to map the structures of astaxanthin.

Astaxanthin, unlike some carotenoids, does not convert to Vitamin A (retinol) in the human body. Too much Vitamin A is toxic for a human, but astaxanthin is not. However, it is a powerful antioxidant; it is 10 times more active than other carotenoids.

Recent research has shown that if used as a nutritional supplement it may reverse or diminish fine lines of the skin. Many high end skin care preparations are now including astaxanthin in thier preparations. Pure Encapsulations is my trusted source

Dr. Ronald Picardi / Astaxanthin All rights resverved

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